Role of Airway Smooth Muscle in Asthma: Contraction and Beyond
黃建達(Chien-Da Huang) ; Yassine Amrani ; Reynold A. Panettieri ; 郭漢彬(Han-Pin Kuo)
呼吸道平滑肌 ; 氣喘 ; 收縮 ; 細胞增生 ; 氣道發炎 ; 氣道重塑 ; airway smooth muscle ; asthma ; contraction ; cell proliferation ; inflammation ; airway remodeling
Sleep Quality in Chronic Mechanical Ventilation-Dependent Patients Using Different Ventilator Modes: Preliminary Data and Literature Review
王耀東(Yao-Tung Wang) ; 邱國樑(Kuo-Liang Chiu) ; 杭良文(Liang-Wen Hang) ; 夏德椿(Der-Chuen Shiah) ; 施純明(Chuen-Ming Shih) ; 徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)
睡眠品質 ; 呼吸器依賴病人 ; 呼吸器模式 ; sleep quality ; mechanical ventilation-dependent patients ; ventilator modes
Impact of Initial Antibiotic Choice on Clinical Outcomes of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults
林泰綜(Tai-Jung Lin) ; 郭英調(Benjamin Lng-Tiau Kuo) ; 吳綺華(Chi-Hua Wu) ; 吳傑亮(Chieh-Liang Wu) ; 金佩玲(Shiang-Ling King) ; 許正園(Jeng-Yuan Hsu)
社區型肺炎 ; 抗生素 ; 花費一效益 ; community-acquired pneumonia ; antibiotic ; cost-effectiveness
Clinical Features and Prognostic Factors of Lung Abscess
鄭任勳(Jen-Hsun Cheng) ; 陳烔睿(Chung-Zuei Chen) ; 朱遠志(Yuan-Chih Chu) ; 李政宏(Cheng-Hung Lee) ; 陳昌文(Chang-Wen Chen) ; 張漢煜(Han-Yu Chang) ; 蒒尊仁(Tzuen-Ren Hsius)
肺膿瘍 ; 臨床特徵 ; 預後因子 ; lung abscess ; clinical feature ; prognostic factor
Management of Anti-tuberculosis Drug-related Hepatotoxicity: Comparison of the Fluoroquinolone-containing Regimen and Re-challenge with the Standard Regimen
蔡幸真(Hsing-Chen Tsai) ; 廖永祥(Yuang-Shuang Liaw) ; 陳映蓉(Ying-Jung Chen) ; 高純琇(Churn-Shiouh Gau) ; 餘忠仁(Chong-Jen Yu) ; 陸坤泰(Kwen-Tay Luh)
抗結核藥物 ; 肝毒性 ; 藥物不良反應 ; fluoroquinolones ; tuberculosis treatment ; hepatotoxicity ; adverse drug reactions ; fluoroquinolones
Establishment of Quality Indicators for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Care
唐秀治(Siew-Tzuh Tang) ; 蔡俊明(Chun-Ming Tsai) ; 鐘國標(Kuo-Piao Chung) ; 賴美淑(Mei-Shu Lai) ; 肺癌品質測量指標工作小組
肺癌照顧品質 ; 品質測量指標 ; quality of lung cancer care ; quality measures
Acute Pulmonary Edema after Upper Airway Obstruction-A Case Report and Review of the Literature
於鍾傑(Chung-Chieh Yu) ; 謝文斌(Wen-Bin Shieh) ; 曾若琪(Jo-Chi Tseng) ; 劉育志(Yu-Chi Liu)
急性肺水腫 ; 急性肺出血 ; 上呼吸道阻塞 ; 血管水腫 ; acute pulmonary edema ; acute pulmonary hemorrhage ; upper airway obstruction ; angioedema
Successful Conservative Treatment for a Large Tracheal Laceration Caused by Endotracheal Cuff Overinflation
洪明賜(Ming-Szu Hung) ; 高國晉(Kuo-Chin Kao) ; 蔡熒煌(Ying-Huang Tsai) ; 李政輝(Cheng-Hui Lee) ; 黃崇旂(Chun-Chi Huang)
氣管裂傷 ; 氣管內管插管 ; 氣囊過度充氣 ; 保守治療 ; tracheal laceration ; endotracheal intubation ; cuff overinflation ; conservative treatment
Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lung: A Case Report and Literature Review
林振嵩(Chen-Sung Lin) ; 郭光泰(Kuang-Tai Kuo) ; 王鑑瀛(Chien-Ying Wang) ; 李永賢(Wing-Yin Li) ; 王良順(Liang-Shun Wang)
燒灼術 ; 基底型 ; 化學治療 ; 幅射頻率 ; 上皮細胞癌 ; ablation ; basaloid ; chemotherapy ; radiofrequency ; squamus cell carcinoma
Patient with Small Cell Lung Carcinoma-Induced Acute Pancreatitis: A Case Report
黃俊耀(Chun-Yao Huang) ; 蔡熒煌(Ying-Huang Tsai) ; 李政輝(Cheng-Hei Lee) ; 陳志弘(Chih-Hung Chen)
急性胰臟炎 ; 轉移性惡性腫瘤所引起的急性胰臟炎(MIAP) ; 小細胞肺癌 ; pancreatitis ; metastases-induced acute pancreatitis (MIAP) ; small cell carcinoma
Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery with Direct Suture and Pleurodesis for Diaphragmatic Defect in Patients on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis-A Case Report
謝志明(Chih-Ming Hsieh) ; 張宏(Hueng Chang) ; 李世俊(Shih-Chun Lee)
水胸 ; 連續性腹模透析 ; 胸腔鏡手術 ; 橫膈缺損 ; 肋膜沾黏術 ; 直接修補 ; Hydrothorax ; CAPD ; VATS ; diaphragmatic defect ; pleurodesis ; direct suture
Secondary Sjögren's Syndrome Complicated with Multiple Pulmonary Cysts and Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis-A Case Report and Literature Review
蘇文麟(Wen-Lin Su) ; 陳健文(Chien-Wen Chen) ; 蔡鎮良(Chen-Liang Tsai) ; 吳孟珍(Meng-Chen Wu) ; 蘇麗慧(Li-Hui Soh) ; 吳清平(Chin-Pyng Wu)
修格蘭症候群 ; 肺囊腫 ; 淋巴性間質性肺炎 ; 類風濕性關節炎 ; pulmonary cyst ; rheumatoid arthritis ; Sjögren's syndrome ; lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis
Posterior Mediastinal Paraganglioma: A Case Report and Literature Review
林經偉(Ching-Wei Lin) ; 郭許達(Hsu-Tah Kuo) ; 陳培然(Pei-Jan Chen) ; 曾岐元(Chi-Yuan Tzen) ; 呂衍達(Yen-Ta Lu)
嗜鉻細胞瘤 ; 後縱膈腔腫瘤 ; 外科腫瘤切除手術 ; paraganglioma ; posterior mediastinal tumor ; surgical resection