徐川洲(Chuang-Chou Tu) ; 沈光漢(Gwan-Han Shen) ; 許正園(Jeng-Yuan Hsu)
肺結核 ; 延遲性診斷 ; 延遲性治療 ; 延遲性處置
p53 condon 72基因多形性與慢性阻塞性肺病之間的關聯性
施志宏(Chih-Hung Shih) ; 程味兒(Wei-Erh Chen) ; 徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu) ; 施純明(Chuen-Ming Shih) ; 王憶卿(Yi-Ching Wang)
p53基因 ; 基因多形性 ; 慢性阻塞性肺病
Mucolytic Property of Sustained-Release Ambroxol (Loxol SR®) in Patients with Chronic Bronchitis
hyperviscosity, ambroxol, Loxol SR®, chronic bronchitis
緩釋型ambroxol (Loxol SR ®)改善慢性支氣管炎病人痰液黏稠度
林群堯(Chun-Yao Lin) ; 施振甫(Jen-Fu Shih) ; 朱紫汀(Zy-ting Chu) ; 彭殿王(Diahn-Warng Perng) ; 林鴻銓(Horng-Chyuan Lin) ; 王圳華(Chun-Hua Wang) ; 余志騰(Chih-Teng Yu) ; 劉育志(Yu-Chih Liu)
痰液黏稠過度 ; ambroxol ; Loxol SR ®慢性支氣管炎
Outcome and Prognostic Factors Associated with Resectable Stage IIIA N2 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
IIIA, N2, non-small cell lung cancer, lymph node metastasis
盧俊安(Chun-An Lu) ; 陳志弘(Chih-Hung Chen) ; 吳怡成(Yi-Cheng Wu) ; 劉會平(Hui-Ping Liu) ; 蔡熒煌(Ying-Huang Tsai)
IIIA ; N2 ; 淋巴結轉移
The Effect of Self-extubation on the Outcome of Mechanical Ventilation
unplanned extubation, self-extubation, accidental extubation, outcome
陳宗成(Tzong-Cherng Chen) ; 金湘玲(Shiang-Ling King) ; 王家弘(Jhi-Horng Wang)
未經計劃的氣管內管拔除 ; 自拔氣管內管 ; 意外氣管內管拔除 ; 預後
Treatment of Outpatient Community-Acquired Lower Respiratory Tract Infection with A Newer Quinolone:
A Study of Sparfloxacin
sparfloxacin, lower respiratory tract infection
張家榮(Chia-Jung Chang) ; 陳昌文(Chang-Wen Chen) ; 林偉傑(Wei-Chieh Lin) ; 薛尊仁(Tzuen-Ren Hsiue)
Sparfloxacin ; 下呼吸道感染
Blood Glucose Control in Critically Ill Patients Using a Titrated Protocol in an Intensive Care Unit
intravenous insulin infusion, critical care, intensive care unit, glycemic control
林祐任(Yow-Ren Lin) ; 王家弘(Jia-Horng Wang)
靜脈胰島素注射 ; 重症照護 ; 加護中心 ; 血糖控制
Linezolid Treatment for Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus Infection in Critically Ill
Linezolid, Vancomycin, MRSA
王誠一(Cheng-Yi Wang) ; 吳允升(Vin-Cent Wu) ; 鄭之勛(Jih-Shuin Jerng) ; 余忠仁(Chong-Jen Yu) ; 薛博仁(Po-Ren Hsueh) ; 楊泮池(Pan-Chyr Yang)
Linezolid ; Vancomycin ; MRSA
Values of Static Lung Volume Measurements in the Assessment of Bronchodilator Responses in COPD
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchodilator test, static lung volume, inspiratory
capacity, helium dilution method
林聖翔(Sheng-Hsiang Lin) ; 郭炳宏(Ping-Hung Kuo) ; 楊泮池(Pan-Chyr Yang)
靜態肺容積 ; 慢性阻塞性肺病 ; 支管擴張試驗 ; 吸氣容量
IL-10-1082 Nucleotide Polymorphism and Risk of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
interleukin-10, polymorphism, non-small cell lung cancer
李仁智(Jen-Chih Lee) ; 施純明(Chuen-Ming Shih) ; 李瑤玲(Yao-Ling Lee) ; 邱慧玲(Hui-Ling Chiou)
Interleukin-l ; 基因多型性 ; 非小細胞肺癌
Esophageal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Presenting as a Mediastinal Mass — A Case Report
gastrointestinal stromal tumors, mediastinal tumor, molecular-targeted therapy
李士毅(Shih-Yi Lee) ; 林芳杰(Fung-J Lin) ; 許清寅(Chin-Yin Sheu) ; 施壽全(Shou-Chuan Shih) ; 黃琛瑋(Chi-Yuan Tzen) ; 曾岐元(Chen-Wei Huang)
腸胃道實質腫 ; 縱膈腔腫瘤 ; 分子標靶治療
Bilateral Pulmonary Sclerosing Hemangiomas: A Case Report
pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma, immunohistochemical stain
陳興源(Hsin-Yuan Chen) ; 簡志峰(Chih-Feng Chian) ; 陳拓安(Toan Chen) ; 顏鴻欽(Horng-Chin Yan) ; 吳清平(Chin-Pyng Wu) ; 彭萬誠(Wann-Cherng Perng)
肺臟硬化性血管瘤 ; 免疫組織化學染色法
Unusual Pulmonary Radiological Manifestation : Coexistence of Neoplasm and Mycobacterium
— A Case Report
Tuberculosis, lung cancer, spontaneous regression, thin wall cavitation, satellite lesion
鄭世文(Shih-Wen Cheng) ; 李榮壽(Rong-Sow Lee) ; 王家弘(Jia-Horng Wang) ; 陳名聖(Ming-Sheng Chern)
結核分枝桿菌 ; 肺腫瘤 ; 自發性消退 ; 薄壁開洞
The Application of Bronchoalveolar Lavage in the Diagnosis of Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia
— Two Case Report
bronchoalveolar lavage, eosinophilic cationic protein, chronic eosinophilic pneumonia,
許育彰(Yu-Chang Hsu) ; 王鴻昌(Hong-Chung Wang) ; 劉宜讓(I-Jan Liu) ; 陶宏洋(Hung-Yang Tao)
支氣管肺泡沖洗術 ; 慢性嗜伊紅性肺炎
Pulmonary Endometriosis at an Unexpected Site Found with CT Scanning: A Case Report and
Literature Review
pulmonary endometriosis, catamenial hemoptysis, video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS)
王琮柏(Tsun-Po Wang) ; 劉會平(Hui-Ping Liu) ; 蔡熒煌(Ying-Huang Tsai) ; 吳耀光(Yao-Kuang Wu)
肺部子宮內膜異位症 ; 經期性咳血 ; 內視鏡輔助之胸腔手術
Life-threatening Pulmonary Hemorrhage due to Cytomegalovirus Pneumonitis in a Patient with
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and Stem Cell Transplantation Failure
pulmonary hemorrhage, cytomegalovirus pneumonitis, chronic myeloid leukemia
王志冉(Chih-Jan Wang) ; 張敏麗(Min-Li Chang) ; 王郁閔(Yu-Min Wang) ; 林定佑(Ting-Yu Lin) ; 林鴻銓(Horng-Chyuan Lin)
肺出血 ; 巨細胞病毒肺炎 ; 慢性骨髓性白血病
Uncommon True Traction Diverticulum in the Proximal Thoracic Esophagus — A Case Report
esophageal diverticulum, deglutition disorders, esophageal motility disorders
王皓巍(Hao-Wei Wang) ; 王孔民(Kung-Min Wang) ; 王良順(Liang-Shun Wang)
食道憩室 ; 吞嚥障礙 ; 食道運動功能障礙
Hemorrhagic Shock Due to Intercostal Artery Laceration after Thoracocentesis — A Case Report
hemothorax, shock, thoracocentesis
曲長科(Chang-Ke Chu) ; 陳昌文(Chang-Wen Chen) ; 賴吾為(Wu-Wei Lai) ; 林偉傑(Wei-Chieh Lin) ; 薛尊仁(Tzuen-Ren Hsiue)
血胸 ; 休克 ; 肋膜積液穿放術
Pneumoconiosis Mimicking Lung Cancer with Metastasis in Positron Emission Tomography
— A Case Report
pneumoconiosis, positron emission tomography
林裕超(Yu-Chao Lin) ; 陳鴻仁(Hung-Jen Chen) ; 徐智彥(Chih-Yen Tu) ; 施純明(Chuen-Ming Shin) ; 徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)
塵肺症 ; 正子攝影掃描
Adult Form of Acid Maltase Deficiency First Manifested as Repeated Hypercapnic Respiratory
Failure — A Case Report
acid maltase deficiency, respiratory failure, glycogen storage disease
洪一民(I-Min Hung) ; 陳志弘(Chih-Hung Chen) ; 羅榮昇(Long-Sun Ro) ; 蔡熒煌(Ying-Huang Tsai) ; 吳燿光(Yao-Kuang Wu)
酸性麥芽糖酵素缺乏症 ; 呼吸衰竭 ; 肝醣堆積症
Intrathoracic Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor with Rapid Recurrence — A Case Report
neurofibromatosis type 1, plexiform neurofibroma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
蔡富聰(Fu Tsung Tsai) ; 陳志弘(Chih Hung Chen) ; 劉會平(Hui Ping Liu) ; 蔡熒煌(Ying Huang Tsai)
第一型神經纖維瘤病 ; 叢狀神經纖維瘤 ; 惡性周邊神經鞘腫瘤
Methotrexate-Induced Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis — A Case Report
hypersensitivity pneumonitis, methotrexate, rheumatoid arthritis
黃琛瑋(Chen-Wei Huang) ; 李昭賢(Chao-Hsien Lee) ; 吳健樑(Chien-Liang Wu)
過敏性肺炎 ; methotrexate ; 類風濕性關節炎
Human Pulmonary Edema Caused by Fusarium Mycotoxins — A Case Report
human pulmonary edema, Fusarium mycotoxins
鐮刀黴菌毒素(Fusarium Mycotoxins)所引發的人類肺水腫-一病例報告
黃伊文(Yi-Wen Huang) ; 洪敏德(Min-De Hung) ; 徐錦池(Jin-Chi Xu) ; 張善閔(San-Min Chang) ; 廖顯杰(Hsien-Chieh Liao) ; 黃文良(Wen-Liang Huang)
人類肺水腫 ; Fusarium mycotoxins
Primary Tracheal Neurilemmoma Mimicking Asthma: A Case Report
tracheal neurilemmoma, asthma, tracheal reconstruction
曾宇鼎(Yu-Ting Tseng) ; 張逸良(Yih-Leong Chang) ; 李元麒(Yung-Chie Lee)
氣管神經纖維鞘瘤 ; 氣喘 ; 氣管重建
Disseminated Fusarial solani Infection with Pulmonary Involvement in an Immunocompromised
Patient — A Case Report and Literature Review
Fusarium solani, immunocompromised host, acute myeloid leukemia
林澤宏(Tse-Hung Lin) ; 廖唯昱(Wei-Yu Liao) ; 楊泮池(Pan-Chyr Yang) ; 郭壽雄(Sow-Hsong Kuo)
茄型鐮胞菌 ; 免疫功能不全 ; 急性骨髓白血病
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test in a Patient with Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation:
A Case Report
pulmonary arteriovenous malformation; cardiopulmonary exercise test
熊得志(Te-Chih Hsiung) ; 謝孟哲(Meng-Jer Hsieh) ; 林坤榮(Kun-Eng Lim) ; 李政輝(Cheng-Hui Lee)
肺動靜脈畸型 ; 運動肺功能
Small Cell Lung Cancer with Initial Presentation Mimicking Liver Abscess
Lung cancer; small-cell lung cancer; liver metastasis; fever
許翰琳(Han-Lin Hsu) ; 王誠一(Cheng-Yi Wang) ; 余忠仁(Chong-Jen Yu) ; 楊泮池(Pan-Chyr Yang)
小細胞肺癌 ; 肝轉移 ; 發燒
Choroidal Metastasis as the Primary Presentation of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Case Report
choroidal metastasis, lung cancer, adenocarcinoma, non-small cell lung cancer
江志騰(Chih-Teng Chiang) ; 施金元(Jin-Yuan Shih) ; 楊泮池(Pan-Chyr Yang)
脈絡膜轉移 ; 肺癌 ; 腺癌 ; 非小細胞肺癌
Successful Management of Boerhaave’s Syndrome in Three Patients with Severe Comorbid Illness
Boerhaave’s syndrome, severe comorbid illness, conservative therapy
蔡鎮吉(Chen-Chi Tsai) ; 郭光泰(Kuang-Tai Kuo) ; 賴奕菁(I-Ching Lai) ; 李仁智(Jen-Jyh Lee) ; 黃寒裕(Han-Yu Huang)
Boerhaave氏症候群 ; 嚴重內科疾病 ; 保守性療法