Atrial Fibrillation and Central Sleep Apnea in Patients with Ischemic Stroke
Ping-Chi Liu, Chung-Yao Chen, Chung-Chieh Yu
Effect of Surgery Waiting Times on Disease-Free Survival of Patients with
Screen-Detected cT1N0 Lung Adenocarcinoma
Yu-Chung Hsiao, Hsao-Hsun Hsu, Tung-Ming Tsai, Hsien-Chi Liao, Xu-Heng Chiang, Mong-Wei Lin, Jin-Shing Chen
Safety Issues Associated with Midazolam Use in Elderly Patients Undergoing
Procedural Sedation for Flexible Bronchoscopy
Meng-Cheng Ko, Ting-Yu Lin, Allen Chung-Cheng Huang, Yo-Lun Lo
Comparison of Quality of Medical Care for Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation Patients
with and without Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
Chih-Hung Lin, Jin-Yin Chang
Legionella Pneumonia Complicated by Acute Respiratory Distress
Syndrome Requiring Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Support: A Case Report
Bo-Ruei Huang, Jiin-Torng Wu, Chih-Yu Hsu, Ming-Huang Chiu
Amiodarone-Induced Unilateral Interstitial Pneumonitis: A Case Report
Erh-Lun Chen
atrial fibrillation, central sleep apnea, ischemic stroke
disease-free survival, lung adenocarcinoma, surgery waiting time
safety issues, midazolam, elder, procedural sedation
prolonged mechanical ventilation patients, pneumonia in prolonged mechanical ventilation
patients, quality of medical care
legionella pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, extracorporeal membrane
amiodarone, unilateral interstitial pneumonitis, drug induced pulmonary toxicity
    台灣胸腔暨重症加護醫學會 (TSPCCM)
    2020-03-27 10:44:14
    2020-03-27 10:44:55