Measuring Mucin Gene Expression in Human Airways: Northern Analysis and RT-PCR


Kelly Pritchard Alinka K. Smith Duncan F. Rogers

Impact of Feeding Status on Biochemical and Respiratory Parameters in Ventilator-Dependent Patients


林慶雄(Ching-Hsiung Lin) 羅慧珍(Hui-Chen Lo) 邱伯勤(Bo-Chin Chiou)

呼吸器依賴 休息熱量消耗 間接熱量測定 呼吸參數 ventilator-dependent resting energy expenditure indirect calorimetry respiratory parameter

A Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Salmeterol Accuhaler and Ipratropium in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

比較Salmeterol accuhalerIpratropium在慢性阻塞性呼吸道疾病使用之效能及安全性

潘信宏(Hsin-Hung Pan) 許正園(Jeng-Yuan Hsu) 江自得(Chi-Der Chiang)

慢性阻塞性呼吸道疾病 Salmeterol Ipratropium chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Esophageal Schwannoma: Case Report and Review of the Literature


徐紹勛(Hsao-Hsun Hsu ) 張逸良(Yih-Leong Chang) 李元麒(Yung-Chie Lee)

食道神經鞘瘤 esophageal schwannoma

Rapidly-Growth Giant Solitary Benign Fibrous Tumor of the Pleura in an Adult


方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang) 陶阿倫(Alan-Ronald Talbot) 林同森(Torng-Sen Lin) 謝坤洲(Kun-Chou Hsieh)

良性胸膜纖維腫瘤 肋膜腫瘤 benign solitary fibrous tumor pleural tumor

Relapsing Polychondritis with Acute Respiratory Failure: A Case Report


林志明(Chih-Ming Lin) 蔡熒煌(Ying-Huang Tsai) 黃崇旂(Chung-Chi Huang) 高國晉(Kuo-Chin Kao) 林進國(Chin-Kuo Lin) 曹昌堯(Thomas C.Y. Tsao)

復發性多軟骨炎 氣管支氣管軟化 氣管造口術 持續呼吸道正壓 Relapsing polychondritis tracheobronchomalacia tracheostomy continuous positive airway pressure

Bronchobiliary Fistula and Bile Pneumonitis after Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization and Hepatic Surgery for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Report of A Case

肝癌患者經肝切除手術及動脈導管化學栓塞後併發膽道支氣管瘻管及膽汁性肺炎: 病例報告

王振源(Jann-Yuan Wang) 李麗娜(Li-Na Lee) 張逸良(Yih-Leong Chang)

膽道支氣管瘻管 局部膽汁鬱積 膽汁性肺炎 動脈導管化學栓塞 肝切除手術 bronchobiliary fistula biloma bile pneumonitis transcatheter arterial chemoembolization hepatic surgery

Late Management of Spontaneous Esophageal Perforation Associated with Mediastinal Abscess: A Survival Case Report


林思齊(Shi-Chi Lin) 徐志育(Chih-Yu Hsu)

自發性食道破裂 縱隔腔膿瘍 縱膈腔膿瘍 Boerhaave's syndrome esophageal perforation mediastinal abscess

Bilateral Hydropneumothorax Secondary to Multiple Rapidly-Growing Cystic Metastases in Angiosarcoma of the Scalp


蔡昭民(Chau-Ming Tsai) 趙東瀛(Tung-Ying Chao) 賴永發(Yung-Fa Lai)

頭皮之血管肉瘤 囊性肺轉移 雙側性水氣胸 angiosarcoma of the scalp cystic metastases bilateral hydropneumothorax

Single Lung Cyst Caused by Metastatic Bladder Cancer: A Case Report


王金鐸(Jin-Duo Wang) 林智斌(Chih-Bin Lin) 郭明勳(Min-Shin Kuo) 李仁智(Jen-Jyh Lee)

肺囊泡 膀胱癌 肺轉移 lung cyst transitional cell carcinoma lung metastasis

Pulmonary Lymphangioleiomyomatosis A Case Report


辛國輝(Kwo-Huei Shin) 林明杰(Ming-Chienh Lin) 賴信良(Shinn-Liang Lai) 蕭光明(Guang-Ming Shiao)

淋巴血管肌肉增生症 乳糜胸 pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis chylothorax

Lung Cancer with Complicating Chylothorax: A Case Report


胥愛璽(Ai-Hsi Hsu) 李仁智(Jen-Jyn Lee) 楊治國(Gee-Gwo Yang)

肺癌 乳糜胸 lung cancer chylothorax

Necrotizing Fasciitis as a Complication of Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration of a Lung Abscess: A Case Report


楊志勻(Chih-Yun Yang) 王鴻昌(Hong-Chung Wang) 盧朝勇(Jau-Yoeng Lu)

壞死性筋脈炎 肺膿瘍 細針抽吸術 肺癌 lung abscess lung cancer necrotizing fasciitis transthoracic fine needle aspiration

Multicentric Desmoid Tumors: A Case Report and Literature Review


黃培銘(Pei-Ming Huang) 張逸良(Yih-Leong Chang) 李元麒(Yung-Chie Lee)

纖維瘤病 多發性 家族性大腸息肉症 desmoid tumor multicentric familial adenomatous polyposis

Radiographic Manifestation of PCP in AIDS Patient


蔡清和(Ching-Ho Tsai) 賴信良(Shinn-Liang Lai)

卡氏肺囊蟲肺炎 成人免疫不全症候群 間質型浸潤 pneumocystis carinii pneumonia adult immune deficiency syndrome interstitial infiltration candidiasis
    胸腔醫學雜誌【Full Article】
    台灣胸腔暨重症加護醫學會 (TSPCCM)
    2017-06-15 15:55:49
    2017-06-15 16:10:31